Para se tocar o mito acendeu-se poesia. Mitopoiésis. O que se infiltra na carne em absoluto silêncio, fantasmas atravessando palavras, nuvem de assombro. Sempre o espanto, a ferida maior: delírio, paixão. Símbolo, pura viagem no invisível. Thereza Christina retoma o mito viajeiro, Ulisses ou Marco Polo; e a eternidade do amor: Penélope ou a Princesa Azul. Energia a flutuar um sonho de neblina. (A ninfa Calipso, bela deusa apaixonada por Ulisses, oferece ao herói a cama nupcial e a promessa de ele também poder se tornar um imortal, vivendo com ela para sempre; Ulisses tudo nega pelo humano amor de Penélope.) Relógio sem ponteiros, signos do indizível. (Marco Polo recebe a missão de levar a Princesa Azul, com seus 17 anos, para se casar na Pérsia com Argun, sobrinho-neto de Kublain Khan; a viagem dura três anos e as longas conversas que travam vão aos poucos construir amor na princesa “tão linda quanto o céu”, amor que jamais poderá ser plenamente consumado.) O que permanece no efêmero. Thereza Christina enfrenta a vertigem do mito, acende beleza, oceanos de ouro. Sopra, minuciosa, o fogo mitopoético. O mito: estar a um relâmpago do destino, a um abismo do caos, a uma imagem do irrevelado, a uma estrela do divino. Luz que é música na respiração do espelho. Poema para ser lido de olhos fechados, coração aberto.
Afonso Henriques Neto
To touch the myth, poetry was lit. Mythopoeia. The essence that penetrates the flesh in absolute silence, ghosts crossing the words, a haunted cloud. Always the surprise, the deepest wound: delirious, passion. Symbol, the pure trip into the invisible. Thereza Christina restarts the traveling myth, Ulysses or Marco Polo; and the eternal love: Penelope or the Blue Princess. Floating energy into a misty dream. (The nymph Calypso, the beautiful goddess who loves Ulysses, offers the hero her nuptial bed and promises him immortality, and to live with her forever; Ulysses rejects everything for the human love of Penelope’s.) A faceless clock, unutterable signs. (Marco Polo has the mission of taking the seventeen-year-old Blue Princess, to marry Argun in Persia, Kublai Khan’s great-nephew; the trip takes three years, and the long conversations they have build, little by little, love in the princess’, who is “as beautiful as the sky”, heart, a love that can never be fully attained.), remaining in the ephemeral. Thereza Christina faces the vertigo of the myth, lights beauty and golden seas. Blows, carefully, the mytho-poetical fire. The myth: being at a flash’s distance of destiny, at an abyss’s distance of chaos, the image of the unrevealed, at a star’s distance of the divine. Light that is music breathing in the mirror. Poem to be read with eyes closed, and open heart.
Afonso Henriques Neto
To touch the myth, poetry was lit. Mythopoeia. The essence that penetrates the flesh in absolute silence, ghosts crossing the words, a haunted cloud. Always the surprise, the deepest wound: delirious, passion. Symbol, the pure trip into the invisible. Thereza Christina restarts the traveling myth, Ulysses or Marco Polo; and the eternal love: Penelope or the Blue Princess. Floating energy into a misty dream. (The nymph Calypso, the beautiful goddess who loves Ulysses, offers the hero her nuptial bed and promises him immortality, and to live with her forever; Ulysses rejects everything for the human love of Penelope’s.) A faceless clock, unutterable signs. (Marco Polo has the mission of taking the seventeen-year-old Blue Princess, to marry Argun in Persia, Kublai Khan’s great-nephew; the trip takes three years, and the long conversations they have build, little by little, love in the princess’, who is “as beautiful as the sky”, heart, a love that can never be fully attained.), remaining in the ephemeral. Thereza Christina faces the vertigo of the myth, lights beauty and golden seas. Blows, carefully, the mytho-poetical fire. The myth: being at a flash’s distance of destiny, at an abyss’s distance of chaos, the image of the unrevealed, at a star’s distance of the divine. Light that is music breathing in the mirror. Poem to be read with eyes closed, and open heart.
Um comentário:
A impressão que fica é a do toque mágico que seu olhar é capaz de lançar sobre cada palavra. Coisa de quem não só une à bagagem cultural experiência e sensibilidade, mas de quem acima de tudo, tem o raro poder de APURAR a arte que se acreditava estar em estágio máximo de depuração.
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